Cherry Picks - best free plug ins and software

Hey - I’ll be posting all the best stuff I found from the world of music - and will be updating it regularly. It’ll include some free plug-ins, software and other stuff of interest. These will also be featured in the newsletter so if you ain’t subscribed what you doing? You can sub here:

Some goods to start you off:

I’ll be updating these regularly with all the things I dig out. Feel free to reply to this and add your own to!

Keep hydrated


Some great free VST fx for reggae and Dub here -->

I use the bionic Supa delay and tape delay loads still on my productions even though I have a Roland RE201 original space echo and the Universal Audio plugin version

Unfortunately they are all 32bit plugins so if you’re running on a 64bit operating system (which lets face it nearly everyone must be now) you’ll need some bridging software like jBridge or DDMF Bridgewize

Also the Dub discussion board on interrupters webpage is great for tips on all things Dub and Reggae

…lets see if we can get something similar going here from all the reggae producers out there!

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Here’s some of my current fav free finds

Spitfire Audio make some of the most premier sample based virtual instruments which are totally worth the cash but most people don’t know they have an entire LABS range that’s completely free. It’s got everything from pianos to brass, synths, guitars and experimental soundcapes - def grab these. (I don’t know if the offer is still running but in return for answering a feedback form they sent me a copy of the BBC Symphonic Orchestra for free aswell)
I drop a Valhalla plugin on basically every track I make, their stuff is solid. Supermassive is like a hybrid delay/reverb thats super expressive - it can completely flip sounds, i usually use this one for more creative fx and sound design than mixing but you can flex it in any direction

Surge is an open-source hybrid synthesiser, don’t sleep on it just cause it looks like its from 1990-something, it’s got insane range and 1000’s of presets to get you started.

U-HE’s tyrellN6 is killer for retro analogue synth emulations - pro tip, mix in the built in chorus and every preset turns into a straight vibe

AND finally for now, if you’re Ableton gang and have the Suite edition with Max For Live, i HIGHLY recommend digging through the community made plugins there, you can find some unbelievable stuff and even chains that replicate expensive premiums VSTs, i’ll dig out some of my favs for another post


Nice share on the spitfire audio stuff! I mostly use Native Instruments for brass and Halion or Miroslav philharmonik for strings but looking for different timbres on stuff recently so will check out their library. Cheers!


Can’t beat a bit of “La Petite Excite” for adding some swazz to your sounds


Here’s a good one for all of you DnB nuts out there:

Helm is a wavetable with stupidly easy controls for making sounds from wobbly sine basses to elephant noises. It’s a “pay what you want” system (including nothing at all)

I can never get spitfire to work with ableton. I have a massive urge to play around with the soft piano plugin but I can’t seem to get ableton to recognise the .ddl files no matter where I put them on my pc. Does it just not like windows?
Any help would be great!

bit of “swazz”!!! gonna steal that. hahaha

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PG-8X is a quality plugin, use it loads when im making old skool style jungle/garage

takes a while to get used to as it’s a virtual analog synth vst but you can make some proper authentic sounding jungle & garage basses on it.