Cubase Engineer Needed

Are there any engineers that use Cubase in here? I need to an engineer to attend a recoding session. Or for me to bring/transfer project files.

Please let me know.

(In addition) To the admin team. Is there a way that Pirate can offer this service? Would help me to book studio time more often.

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Hi, I am a music producer/engineer. I use Cubase as my main daw. Which city are Living? I am in Glasgow. Let me know if you are here also so that we can discuss further the nature of production you want to do.


Thanks for posting! I don’t think Pirate has in-house engineers for you (yet!) but posting here and possibly on your community board at your studio will hopefully attract the attention of an engineer local to you!

Depending on whether you want an engineer to help you record, or a producer to take what you recorded and mix it, you might get different responses, because the 1st needs to be in person but the 2nd can be done remotely by sharing multitracks digitally! Make sure you communicate with your engineer to make sure you’re all on the same page, since this can help save time, and time is money!

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Cubase recording/mix engineer with over 20 years experience using Cubase. Based in Ireland so might not be able to attend recording session but can do mixing if you want to send me stems