Drums on your next record?

Hey everyone! Who wants drums on their upcoming record?

I am a drummer and recording engineer based in Berlin and I would love to work together with you to create a beautiful artpiece! I’m open for all kinds of collaborations, remote or in person. I grew up listening to (Alternative) Rock and Pop music, but I love interesting combo’s, surprise me. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hit me up (pun intended) and we’ll work something out!

Btw, love this Pirate community!


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Hi Harm,

I am a poet based in London and I do spoken word recitals. You can see and hear examples my written and recorded work below.
I have never heard or seen it done but a drumming - spoken word collaboration could be interesting. I could recite something followed by a response by you via a drumming session? There are other possibilities I am sure combining drumming and spoken word.
Do get in touch if you’re interested.

All best.


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Hey Sheema,

Thank you for reaching out! I sent you an email. Hope to hear from you soon!

