How is the bass sounding in your monitors?

UKG remix by a good friend of one of my old tracks. How does this bass sound in your monitors/headphones? Big up people :raised_hands:t4:


Not sure if its just me, or a problem on here, but the sound file you attached is 0 seconds long so it doesn’t play anything :frowning:

If you try reattaching it I will give it a listen! :smiley:

There was a problem with the URL in the post but this has now been fixed. You should now be able to give this one a spin :slight_smile:


Lovely thank you! I will give it a listen in a moment!

The bass sounds good in my headphones, nice and smooth and has a good sub to it in my opinion. The kick sounds really clean and knocks! Can’t really hear any issues with it myself on my headphones (Pioneer HDJ X5s)

Hey! Bass is sounds nice and cleaaan in my headphones (Bowers & Wilkins P7) Love this verse to! Who are the vocalists? They sound great too. Love the wobble when the female vocalist comes in at around 2 mins. Breaks the track up really nicely.

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Glad you enjoy Cal :raised_hands:t4: vocalists are Nelson Navarro & Lisa Lo, with the remix by Alfie Frank. Releasing end of this year!

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Thanks for listening Donko and glad you enjoyed! I’ve got some bits like this out on my Spotify next month, you can follow me at !

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