Suggestions Box

perhaps down the road it would be interesting to have a sample bank that users can upload to for others to use. Things like found sounds, loops (drums, guitars etc) or sample packs like drum kits, maybe even from pirate’s studios themselves. maybe us site techs could put some together?


Loving this idea, building a Pirate Studios sample library would be fantastic!

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(a Swamp Cat in discord)
love this idea of the website, very positive for up an comers. i think if traction is more difficult to sustain on here as opposed to the Pirate discord, maybe can just run both at the same time so that the fan base that have used that prior to the site will always have a place to post. much love guys!

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Hey! thanks for the feedback. This is a great idea - we’re currently in the works of making some Drum tutorials, I’ll pass on a Drum tuning tutorial to our team. In the meantime I’ll have a dig and see what I can find for the time being.

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Hey Modelle - welcome to Community!

Understand it’s a big change migrating from one to the other - but we’re really excited for Community to grow bigger and better than our Discord - we’ll be eventually retiring it when Community is fully fleshed out.

We’re in the process of on-boarding more producers and MC’s/Vocalists, which will eventually expand into all kinds of musicians. We’ll also be posting exclusive content on here - everything from comps to Q&As etc.

If you have any more suggestions of how we can make the whole forum better or general feedback (good or bad) - post in here :slight_smile:


sounds great to me mate! i did the maxsta competition and also entered the p money competition and i think the platform is really positive for producers who aren’t so social media focused, like myself. provides a constructive and productive option to gain exposure to new audience in a community of people that are just trying to get better and learn. I think it’s sick to see a big company with resources and funding offer that to people for free without it just being all about the companies sole benefit. quite rare these days haha


Thanks for the feedback @Modelle! We’ve got a lot more planned for Community so it’s great to have you on board.

Is the #feedback-room something you think you’ll use when working on new material?

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cheers dan! i have been lucky to grow up around a few really talented musicians and im fortunate that they give me really good, honest critical feedback for most/all stuff i work on. mostly, i just trust my own idea’s and criticism much more now i’m older with a lot more experience writing. So i much prefer to show people tracks when i consider them finished or finished with an imperfect mix. Helps me not to leave projects unfinished forever, y’know lol. but i know how important that feature is for everyone on here! for the first few years producing i didn’t have anyone to tell me how i needed to improve honestly and technically and i would have loved to have had a positive forum to get feedback on like this, that i could upload my work to. i was doing the same with soundcloud and just hoping people would randomly find my stuff haha

That being said tho, i do intend to upload some tracks to my work in progress in the future, just thinking of stuff that i think people on here would benefit from hearing in a WIP state - unfinished remix comp versions i didn’t submit etc.

I’m new here and not sure if it already is and I’ve missed the memo lol so apologies if so but I’d love to have this as an app as opposed to having to navigate on browser when on my phone.

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Hey, an app would be great but for now you can add the link to a browser page to the home screen of your phone.
I have an android and unsure about iOS but if you check the 3 dots at the top right of the screen there is an option to add to your home screen and it works very similar to an app.


Hope this helps!


Thanks! Think i get what you mean… adding it to my browser favourites?

I’ll give it a try!

Big luv!

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It just saves the webpage directly to your phone as if it was an app. When you click the app icon it will take you directly to the web page so you won’t need to pull up your browser and search for the community every time.
That’s the option there, it should make a little app icon on your home screen.

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any issues :v:

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I really like these suggestions for the pirate community platform so far.
I would like to add a suggestion box for the studios itself. I bet many of us have some ideas on how to improve the amazing studios even more. It would be great if there would be a dedicated place for that in this community where we could also discuss the propositions.


Thanks! I’m on iOS so just saved it to my favourites in browser.

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I hope this isn’t too long, but thanks for reading if you make the distance!

Firstly, I think the Pirate team is doing a great job and it’s a great platform. The competitions for one are a great feature. This creates projects/deadlines for us learning the DJ/production ropes.

I would suggest thinking about rewarding highly engaged community members. The reward itself is up to you Pirate. I think studio credit is always a good one as that’s why we are all here ay (the studios).

But rewards should be offered to members that regularly post and reply to other members. I’ve seen many members actually offer a solution to a support query for example. Essentially, a contribution that has a positive impact within the community should qualify. Other examples may include referring another member for a guest spot on a radio show, a collaboration with another artist, providing constructive and actionable feedback on a DJ or production mix etc you get the jist. Introducing a system like this obviously has its complexities, and introduces rules, as simply a reply on a thread shouldn’t qualify, for example, maybe it’s voted up or down or if the original poster likes a response then that qualifies/ranks the response. I hope that does makes sense…

Alongside rewards, the status would also be welcomed I would think. A similar model to a community-driven site like Stack Overflow. Highly engaged members e.g “super users” are offered an optional status with a badge avatar. This will indicate to other members that they are trusted and open to giving advice etc but maybe you would still need additional labels like “tech support” or “production tips” so it’s a bit more defined and easier for people to reach out to others.

The feedback itself is tricky, maybe I speak for myself here but for people still learning, you are eager to give constructive feedback to other members but are worried you might give the wrong advice whether technical or more abstract but something to think about. Are there some members with a lot of experience that are easily able to contribute and this maybe ties into the above statuses etc?

Lastly, (I promise…) echoing @Pirate_Gareth feedback regarding A&R, are there any members that work in this space that can offer advice or help with reaching out to labels etc. Maybe that is a dedicated thread or a directory/resource which lists some opted-in contacts?

Cheers and hope this helps.


Some great suggestions here @Hisai! Thanks for taking the time to jot them down. I’m going to DM you today to follow-up on a few points. Cheers ~ Dan

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Agree, especially on the feedback side of things. I feel I don’t have the knowledge/experience to provide feedback.

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Definitely agreed with the bit about social media; it’s great to just have a space to share or gain knowledge in a focused way without having to worry about anything else!

It’s also super useful to come here sometimes as none of my friends make music, so I can’t really get advice from them on anything technical. Sometimes that’s good, as a bad tune is a bad tune - but you do want to go a bit more in depth sometimes.

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Just thought of this and maybe you got suggestions already but what would be awesome is a piano room at pirate, just a small room with a real piano, or is there already?

Not right now, but we do have digital keyboards… Are you thinking of an upright?