@Trikz just jumping in is the biggest leap.
Songs never get made if you sit on the sidelines of them and don’t take a risk.
Remember whatever you do can be changed later so for instance you might start off with a simple enough Beat that you think is crap but you have a good melody.
As you progress with the other elements bass, synth pads, top line melodies you suddenly start hearing the beat in your head that would work perfectly, you change it and that’s what makes the track!
For mixing tips I’ve created a thread here …some of it might sound like klingon if you’re just starting off but have a read through as there will be things you come back to as you advance that you’ll say to yourself “oh I know how to do that now”…I’ll also be doing a thread on starting a new project with tips on how to get things sounding great from the start so keep an eye on the production category.
Best of luck with your creations and don’t forget to post them to feedback as you progress, especially if you hit a wall there may be a producer in here who can help you climb over it…or walk around it whichever is easier